Friday, September 20, 2013


            Our goodbye was cold and thin. Looking at him, seeing his lake-eyes frozen over, I glimpsed distant life beneath their ice barrier. The closure of winter had allowed the congealed blue beneath his lids to thaw. The sun warmed my shoulders, beads of sweat, tears, something, dripped from his eyes.  In the awakened water fish swam between moss and sea grass, rocking back and forth with the moving tide. The season changed, and there we stood.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Σ'αγαπώ Serifos: Island Life in the Aegean Sea

After only a few short weeks in Athens, we creative writers switched gears and headed for slightly different terrain. Swimsuits, sun hats, and flip flops took precedent over walking shoes and theft-proof backpacks as we prepared for island life on Serifos, the simple and secluded Greek island of the Cyclades nestled in the Aegean Sea.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Αθήνα: Travel Writing in Athens, Greece

Me, Kaitlin, modern Athens, and the Parthenon from our balcony.
As I stepped onto the balcony of our temporary home at the Attalos Hotel I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and inhaled a combination of exhaust and street gyros; finally, after a daze of international flights, frozen meals, and sleep deprivation, we had arrived in Athens.